
Images tagged "wooded" — No Comments

  1. I, of course, would like to hear more about your life in the UK! But welcome back to the USofA. Your life is sounding pretty posh right about now!!

    Camille & Nick

  2. Fantastic photography as expected. Great work in getting these guys together. Jon is reliving his life. Got a Ferari again ,the rebuilt Steam launch “Vapor”.I can’t wait to see him doing the Fender Guitar promotion again. I believe he could do it.
    Thanks for sharing the day with us.
    Chris and Raewyn McMullen Auckland New Zealand

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to the 2 of you. We are well and have a new motorhome. What fun. From the look of the pictures you seem well and having fun. The pictures are fun. The home owners of TGO are now the “proud” owners of the golf course and restaurant as of last week.
    Terri and Howard

  4. Have a lovely Turkey day.
    Love to the both of you
    Terri & Howard Bailey too

  5. Very cool ..’!!
    Great pix …!!! Great article ..!
    Looks like a great time was had by all !!
    I Would have LOVED to have been there with you guys ….
    Xoxo to all from Vernal, Utah…! 🙂

  6. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from us bothWe hope you will return to Alhaurin some time in 2014.

  7. We’ve finally had enough of Biloxi and tomorrow leave for Mission, Tx

  8. What fun you seem to be having.
    Love to you and Patrick
    Love, Terri and Howard

  9. Ahhhh…!!
    Living the life… Of the rich and homeless !!
    That is truly the life… One can only imagine !
    So pleased for you both … What fun!!!
    Hope to see you in March !

    Sandra 🙂

  10. Hello Lorna, Its so good to hear from you. I am pleased that you are both still enjoing your travels.Ray has left Juans and now has Clipper stabled here at our finca. We go to the stable every other friday lunch time because we miss the company of the girls and their husbands/partners. Keep info about your travels coming, I so look forward to it. Love from Lynne.

  11. Winchester ?? I’ve always wanted to go there because my old grandad (born 1883) said we were related to Stephen Gardiner, who was a bit of a big wig during the time of king Henry VIII and queen Elizabeth 1 and is buried in Winchester cathedral… Have to visit sometime.. Bit like Paul and Bex going to marquillier (sorry if I spelt it wrongly !!) hope to catch you both soon xx

  12. Hi there, glad you are in the UK , I am in Cayman Islands with my god daughter and new baby ! Janie xxx

  13. Nice to have you both ‘back in Blighty’ again

    Look forward to catching up soon,Peter xx

  14. Glad that you made it home. Have a warm summer. What are your plans for the summer?? Terri

  15. Oh, back across the pond! Would love to visit there sometime you are home, but next winter we are going to New Zealand. Missed you this winter. We’ve had fab weather in Florida! Take care! Xo Sherri and Gerry

  16. Hey there we are going to be in U.K.and Scotland .leave here in 14th April untill June 2nd.
    Geneology in Scotand..graveyards ha ha!!Wally excited!
    Dont you knock the weather in England ,sometimes better than B.C.

  17. Well someone somewhere has to see the sunshine and flowers.I reckon you are both heaven blessed. Hope you will both be coming back to Alhaurin el Grande. Now that Ray has Clipper at home with us we only go to Juans on alternate fridays, So please let us know if you are coming. love Lynne.

  18. Glad you made it to UK safely ..
    Look forward to your return .. Sorry I missed you at Carol & Jon’s …
    I’m at Sarah’s riding event in Layton Ut.
    Kathy stuck in Hawaii ( bummer) .. Lol
    Hope to have you back for Oktoberfest ..
    Love, Sandra

  19. Gee, I miss you two. Bill and I did not go to Florida this year. Guess what! I am going to England in September with my girlfriend. Is England ready for us? Ha!
    Enjoy your summer. Love ya bunches!

  20. Hi Pat & Lorna,
    Long time no see (or should that be sea?) but just spent a week sailing at Club Vounaki in Greece and finally got my ICC!! Made me think of you. Clearly trying to drown me in Turkey on that night sail in 2000 didn’t put me off!!. Hope all’s well.
    Paul & Fiona

  21. Hello Darlings
    Things here are still very busy and the weather is extremely changeable as usual
    I hope to find a gap in my schedule sometime in the next 6 weeks to come and see you
    Peter xx

  22. Sounds wonderful, any chance you may be out this way before you head off back to your next more permanent spot? Lee y Las Chicas!!

  23. Ok, you’ve had enough time away from the “Ranch”. As always, we’re looking forward to your return. Still working on the web site and should be completed in a couple of months. Miss you guys.

  24. Your Kitchen transformation looks amazing! Shall we skype before you set off on your next travels? Sunday?? X

  25. wow, looks great! We’ll be in Florida for 3.5 mths starting Jan. Coming that way?
    We’ve rented a shack in Dunedin.

  26. sorry we didn’t make it to see you this weekend, it all looks lovely from the photo. Have a good journey back to the U.S. and see you sometime next year….best wishes, the bevan family

  27. Thankyou and Wishing you both A Merry Christmas also.
    Heres to a Great 2015 ..

  28. And Merry Christmas to you also. Are house was for sale and I thought we had a buyer and so I scoped out a Country Coach in Florida and was ready to pounce. But no, it didn’t pan out. So we are stuck here for the time being.
    Nick and Camille

  29. A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you both!

    Love from Pete and Emma

  30. Hope you’re Xmas was filled with all things wonderful and nice.
    miss both of you ….
    hope to see you soon back in foz.

  31. Hello Darlings
    Good to see you doing some serious mileage instead of lazing around in California!
    Betsy is going to be 35 next week and is in the garage having a replacement LPG tank
    Then it’s off to the bodyshop for new front cills prior to going for her MOT Aaaagh£££
    Enjoy Florida,whatever you do go to see Clyde Butcher,Photographer in the Everglades
    Bon Voyage,Peter

  32. Fascinating stuff. Love New Mexico and the southern states in general. Always intended to drive coast to coast along the southern border but never made it further east than New Orleans so shall await the next instalment with particular interest. Keep them coming!

  33. Fun to hear of your travels. Looks like you have passed beyond TX. Would have loved to get together for a few days. At the end of March we will head East, up the coast, stop in DC, visit my brother in Pennsylvania and then head home to MN. Hope we can meet somewhere in the future. I’ll send you photos of my paintings and hope you do the same.

  34. great to hear from you again. We are not on board Gypsy this winter. Actually just arrived in Lisbon today. We first had 3 wk. in Albufeira ,Algarve. A week here then on to London for a week . Our country is in the deep freeze. We might head back Antigonish,Nova Scotia way this summer. I started a blog for this vacation instead of a paper diary. Xo Danny& Ken

  35. Hi Pat.
    You are certainly visiting some very interesting places. Last year we did a bit of road trip in the U.S My eldest son married a girl from North Carolina. Decided to visit our new relations so flew to New York for a couple of days and did all the tourist things, Ground Zero. Empire State Building, Broadway and lots more that two days would allow. Hired a car and drove to Niagara to see the falls. Then down to Philadelphia and looked up a cousin who moved to the U.S over 35 years ago. Spent some days at her fantastic beach house in Ventnor. From there to D.C and all the tourist things including the museums. Then a drive over the Blue Ridge Parkway all the way to West Jefferson and enjoyed seeing the hundreds of Harleys ridden mainly by older folks .The mountains really do look blue! The Impromptu singing of Blue Grass music every place we stopped was fantastic. After a few days with the in laws decided to cross something off the bucket list and drove to Nashville to see a show at The Grand Ole Opry ( a 900 mile round trip). Back to Charlotte then New York.
    We have just returned from a skiing trip in southern Germany and Austria. Oberjoch brought back many memories and I thought of you and our many escapades together almost forty years ago!
    Looking forward to reading about your future adventures.

  36. Hi Patrick&Lorna
    I am familiar with 21C because I was in Marbella 10 days ago
    But I’m more familiar with 5C as I just spent the weekend in London
    The bit I don’t understand about those 2 things is that 8days in Marbella including flights and car hire cost £350 whereas 2 nights in London cost £1000
    It would have been cheaper to come and see you for the weekend!!
    Stay warm,Peter

  37. What are you doing? Saw Carol today and she said you bought a new RV,
    For some reason I haven’t received a blog since Feb 25th,

    Love hearing from you two.


  38. You Guys are amazing. Thanks for sharing your wonderful experiences. Hope to catch up with you before too long.
    Kindest regards
    Chris and Raewyn

  39. Hi Guys,
    We love getting updates on your travels. Look forward to seeing you.
    Mike and Lauri

  40. great to meet up with you both in St Augustine! Look forward to seeing you next in PEI!
    Take your time, though, still snow here!

  41. Hey, sorry we missed you. I love St. Augustine… We camped on the ocen there. That was a treat from Bill when we were coming to Florida last fall. So much to catch up on friends. Love you and miss you.

  42. yup, I can hear the tutorial now…! ha, ha! You never stop teaching! Good on you, Pat!
    Great photos, and it looks lovely and warm there. Still cool and wet here on PEI, but lots of things going on so we’re doing fine! Cheers!

  43. It’s good to see your faces again. Both of you look happy and healthy. May the travels be wonderful interesting and filled with forever moments
    I’m close to my own travel time .. going to Portugal end July. Hope to see both of you in that part of the world again

  44. Patrick and Lorna, thank you for having kind souls and taking the time to share a bit of your lives with us. We wish you the best on your travels and will continue to keep up with your blog. It was a pleasure meeting you, if you are ever in Newport News VA, stop by our amazing Univeristy, Christopher Newport Univeristy. Best of luck in all of your endeavors and thanks for the life and camera lessons.

  45. I can just imagine it! Made me laugh a lot – get Pat started on a favourite subject, then kick back and relax (but still concentrate of course)!! Looks a lovely place, hope you continue to enjoy yourselves. Pete

  46. Hello and good wishes from sunny spain.Please continue with your blogs. Lynne and Ray.

  47. Hi Guys
    Good to see you are still taking photos!!!! Me too!! Am currently working on a book to celebrate 20 years of wedded bliss!!! Come back and see us soon!

  48. You two look great! Yes, I can hear the lecture–hopefully they learned something from it, eh? Glad to see that you two are making the most of that extra six months you got.

  49. Love reading about your adventures. It brings back so many fond memories! BTW, good parking!!

  50. Know you have to go back to the UK sometime in June, but we’ll be at
    the Circle CG Campground for approximately 3 weeks end of June. We’re
    wquidistant between Boston and Cape Cod… keep in touch. K&D

  51. Hey Lorna, Kim and I were in St Augustine last year for a small conference. It’s a pretty place outside tourist time : ). Hope you guys are doing well.